Wild Hope International
P.O. Box 40576
Pasadena, CA 91114


Volunteer Teams

Each year Wild Hope receives a limited number of strategic volunteer teams.  Chosen primarily through our network of supporting partners, these teams play key roles in enhancing the work being done here in East Africa.  Typically, teams prepare workshops or seminars that equip and train local people in our inner city and remote rural areas.  Whether it’s English lessons, character development, health or sports, communities appreciate this form of assistance while teams appreciate the fullness of their experience here.  For related information, see Safaris With a Purpose.


Internships with Wild Hope are created on a need basis and implemented for differing lengths of time accordingly.  Interns serve in key roles according to their skills/gifts and the current needs within our work.  Developing short, informative publicity videos, teaching English as a second language, training computer skills, leading Bible Studies, designing buildings on our base and maintaining our website are all ways that interns have served in the past.   Interns give a lot, making a real difference in our effectiveness while at the same time undoubtedly growing themselves.


You can assist Wild Hope’s efforts from home as well!  Join our team of donors and encourage others to do the same 🙂  Perhaps you could host an Impact Dinner in your home where we can come and share the vision of Wild Hope.  Talk to us if you would like to promote Wild Hope where you live.


Prayer is the foundation and forerunner of all we do.  A.J. Gordon is famously quoted as saying, “You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.”  John Wesley said, “Prayer is where the action is.”  You can partner with Wild Hope in a real and effective way by praying over our efforts.  Pray for Africa and for Tanzania specifically.  Pray for our staff and key connections.  Pray for our initiatives to be blessed, used, enhanced and multiplied.  Mostly, pray for our hearts to be soft and open to God’s leading in our lives and work.